

Empowering Climate Change Engagement through Human Values

Understanding the importance of aligning human values with climate change action can drive engagement and inspire collective, sustainable solutions.

{ on May7 2024 | in: Climate Science | Environmental Education }

Perceptions of Time in Relation to Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review

Perceptions of Time in Relation to Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review Climate change is a complex issue that requires a deep understanding of its temporal dimensions, both from a natural and social science perspective. By examining the temporal aspects of decision-making and time perception, we aim to shed light on the challenges and mismatches between the human […]


Prioritizing Public Spaces as a Means of Achieving Equitable Development in Slum Communities

Prioritizing Public Spaces as a Means of Achieving Equitable Development in Slum Communities “───── Public space is a reflection of how well a city is functioning, both socially and environmentally.  – Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia ──────” Imagine living in a cramped space with no room to breathe, let alone enjoy the outdoors. […]


Let’s Go Green!

Let’s Go Green! As climate change threatens our planet, transforming our cities to be greener and more sustainable is urgently needed. By designing urban areas with the environment and future generations in mind, we can address social, economic and environmental issues simultaneously. Extremely hot temperatures have strained global biodiversity over the past few years. As […]

Leafy Communities Press